October 10th, 1862, the Confederate General J.E.B.
Stuart, 1,800 of his elite cavalry and horse artillery,
raided the small town of Mercersburg, PA, during
his now famous "2nd ride around" of the
Union Army. Historically, this "ride around"
and subsequent humiliation of the Union Army by
General Stuart, was the "last straw" in
a string of disappointments for President Lincoln.
He relieved his Commander, Major General George
McClellan, shortly thereafter . . . . . changing,
some historians say, the course of the Civil War.
The Commemoration
of J.E.B. Stuart's Raid through Mercersburg took
place on October 12 and 13, 2002. It included a
Civil War Round Table, town reenactment with cavalry
and cannons, Civil War Ball, and "black-powder"
skirmishes on a nearby farm.
In remembrance
of the raid, and in conjunction with the planned
140th Commemoration, the Mercersburg Historical
Society created a "Civil War Memorial Roll
Call" for all those Americans who fought in
the Civil War. In remembrance of the fathers, sons,
brothers, families . . . sometimes together, sometimes
as mortal enemies, but, Americans all, who fought
in defense of "freedom for all", or "tradition
and a way of life".
In the spirit
of remembrance and reconciliation for all the Americans
who served, the Historical Society asked descendants
who live in the greater Pennsylvania, Maryland,
Virginia, and West Virginia states, who had an ancestor
who fought in either the Union or Confederate Army,
to send the name, company affiliation, and Army,
to the Society. . . i.e., Noble McMorris, 63rd Pennsylvania
Volunteers, Union Army.
These names were
included on a beautifully illustrated "Memorial
Roll Call" that was on display on the days
of the event, and honored with a "black powder
salute" on the battlefield.
The original,
which was on display at the 140th Commemorative
Even, is now on permanent display in the Fendrick
Library, in Mercersburg, PA.
of the Memorial Roll Call (suitable for framing)
are now available. They are in full-color and 11"
x !4" in size.
If you are interested
in purchasing a replica of the Memorial Roll Call,
please send a check for $10.00 (shipping and handling
included) to:
Memorial Roll
Box 202
Mercersburg, PA 17236
All profits go to the Fendrick Library Building