
have selected a few books about Mercersburg and the Civil War - some
specifically about J.E.B Stuart and his raid in October 1862. We hope
that will be of interest to you. All of them are by Pennsylvania authors.
Each are "First Editions", and signed by the authors.
Thunder" by Robert J Trout, is a
comprehensive history of the famed Horse Artillery that accompanied
General Stuart on his raid through Mercersburg. The Horse Artillery
is featured, in fact, on two of the paintings created for the Stuart
event. It is the most significant work on the Horse Artillery ever published.
First Edition and signed by the author.
Horses, & Apple Cider" by John Thompson
IV, is a comprehensive look at J.E.B. Stuart's entire October
raid - known as the "2nd Ride Around McClellan".
Filled with maps and pictures (many in color), this book
gives in great detail the routes Stuart took and includes
first hand accounts from the key participants. It is the
most significant work on the Raid ever published. First
Edition (limited to 500 copies in leather) and signed by
the author. Copies of this book are available through the
Fendrick Library in Mercersburg or from the author. Please
contact us at
if you are interested in purchasing this book.